Music Heroe II
This artwork was done when I returned back from Thomas Ingmire's workshop in England. It is my respond to the music of the Heroe Movie with music by Tan Dun.
160 x 230 cm.
Ink, sumi and golden leave diamonds on various japanese papers.
Year: 2011
Music Heroe II
160 x 230 cm.
Year: 2011
Music Heroe I
This artwork was done when I returned back from Thomas Ingmire's workshop in England. It is my respond to the music of the Heroe Movie with music by Tan Dun.
160 x 230 cm.
Ink, sumi and golden leave diamonds on Fabriano watercolor paper.
Year: 2011
Music Heroe I
160 x 230 cm.
Year: 2011
Shadow of a chery tree
Text by the author:
Shadow of a chery tree
Her mind was empty, her senses awaken, her breath was rhythmic.
She laid on her back on the green carpet.
Light slightly filtered through the cherry tree leaves.
The sky and the green interlaced as in an impressionist painting.
Her silk kimono caressed her legs
And the drawings she had carefully embroidered,
Started rising from the fabric and floated
In a secret dance over her motionless body.
Running water could be heard from afar like a monotonous music,
And the smell of the grass, together with the sweet tatami cherry,
Drove her to another world.
At this time, or centuries before, two women interweave the same dreams
underneath the shadow of the same cherry tree.
76 x 56 cm.
Watercolor and walnut ink on Arches paper. Brushes and nibs.
Year: 2011
Shadow of a chery tree
76 x 56 cm.
Year: 2011
Sanity I
Original text in english:
"In art lies my sanity!" by Sandra R. Wagner
20 x 36 cm.
Watercolours and walnut ink on handmade paper from the La Aguada Mill.
Year: 2010
Sanity I
20 x 36 cm.
Year: 2010
Going beyond
The original text is in English and belongs to Martha Graham: "Life, force, energy".
40 x 35 cm.
Watercolours on Burga paper.
Year: 2010
Going beyond
40 x 35 cm.
Year: 2010
It is not for you to determine
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickering that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all times, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. You must keep this channel open. It is not for you to determine how good it is or how valuable, or how it compares with other expressions. It is for you to keep it yours, clearly and directly.” Martha Graham.
50 x 70 cm.
Walnut ink & gouache on Magnani Bianca paper. Japanese brush, nibs and bronze leaves.
Year: 2008
It is not for you to determine
50 x 70 cm.
Year: 2008
Life Force, energy, action
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a which is translated through you into action is unique. The world will not have it. You must keep this channel open.” Martha Graham.
56 x 76 cm.
Walnut ink & gouache on Arches paper. Nibs and japanese brush, bronze leaves.
Year: 2008
Life Force, energy, action
56 x 76 cm.
Year: 2008
Energy pattern
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a which is translated through you into action is unique. The world will not have it. You must keep this channel open.” Martha Graham.
56 x 56 cm.
Walnut ink & gouache on Arches paper. Folded pen, bronze leaves.
Year: 2008
Energy pattern
56 x 56 cm.
Year: 2008
Coloured alphabet
27 x 40 cm.
Folded pen, gouache, walnut ink on stone paper.
Private collection.
Year: 1992
Coloured alphabet
27 x 40 cm.
Year: 1992
Constantinople Act
Acte de Constantinoble and destacado: “Item, que l‘ endema, circa tres ores de die, tigué correu com se veya armada turquesca per grech and tremontana”.
Descriptive memory
70 x 70 cm.
Bleach, pastels, Walnut ink, Golden gouache on Arches and Dimagraf paper. Cola pens, Brause quill pens, round and Japanese brushes.
Private collection.
Year: 2004
Constantinople Act
70 x 70 cm.
Year: 2004
Calligraphic alphabet.
75 x 75 cm.
Made on paper with a folded pen. Then, scanned and re designed on Adobe Photoshop. Printed on Akita and Ingres paper. Coloured with gouaches.
Private collection.
Year: 2004
75 x 75 cm.
Year: 2004
Essay in gothic
12 x 17 cm.
Quill pens, gouaches, sumie and watercolours, gilded on Strathmore paper.
Private collection.
Year: 2000
Essay in gothica
12 x 17 cm.
Year: 2000
“Cherry Tree Twilight. People who bear a home, return fast.“
20 x 30 cm.
Sumie on Strathmore paper.
Private collection.
Year: 1999
20 x 30 cm.
Year: 1999
Essay in gothica II
12 x 17 cm.
Sumie, gouaches, golden ink on Strathmore paper..
Year: 2000
Essay in gothica II
12 x 17 cm.
Year: 2000
Nocturnal Alphabet
“More powerfull than all poetry.
More pervasive than all science.
More profound than all philosophy
are the letters of the alphabet.
Twenty six pillars of strength
Upon which our culture rests.”
50 x 64.5 cm.
Acrylics, gouaches, copper layers on Canson paper Mi tientes. Quill pens and brushes.
Year: 2002
Nocturnal Alphabet
50 x 64.5 cm.
Year: 2002