Alphabet prescription for happiness

“Aspire to reach potential.
Believe in yourself.
Create a good life.
Dream about what you might become.
Exercise frequently.
Forgive honest mistakes.
Glorify the creative spirit.
Humor yourself and others.
Imagine great things.
Joyfully live each day.
Kindly help others.
Love one another.
Meditate daily.
Nurture the environment.
Organize for harmonious action.
Praise performance well done.
Question most things.
Regulate your own action.
Smile often.
Think rationally.
Understand yourself.
Value life.
Work for common good.
X-ray and carefully examine problems.
Yearn to improve.
Zestfully persue happiness.”

0.32 x 2.07 mt.

Pentel brush, Folded pen, pinceles, Gouache y acrílico, gesso y saquitos de té sobre tela.

Año: 2002
